Online Pregnancy Test is a trustworthy, fully free and a quick way to find out if conception has occurred if you can’t buy a test strip at a pharmacy or visit your gynaecologist for some reason.

Am I pregnant? Almost every woman of childbearing age who has a sexual partner asks herself this question at least once in her life. Someone does this with happiness and sweet tingling inside and someone with anxiety and nervousness. And that’s for a reason. Pregnancy is a very complex and ambiguous process taking place in woman’s body and even a highly qualified specialist can’t tell the result with accuracy, especially in early stages.

This unique test is developed by the best gynaecologists specially for women and girls who desperately want to know if they are pregnant.

Even if you buy a pregnancy test strip, it can’t give you a 100% guarantee. You need to wait until next morning to make the procedure adequately (especially in early stages), as it is described in the manual.

In this case the only thing you spend is a little time to answer the questions candidly about your general state and within seconds you’ll receive your result.

What’s the point of Online Pregnancy Test, how it works and what kind of result does it show: let’s examine.

A woman’s body reacts keenly to pregnancy: hormonal balance changes drastically and the general state, food and taste predilections, even mood change consequently.

Pregnant women don’t have periods, even a few days delay is the main cause of pregnancy suspicions, but in some cases menstrual bleedings continue for some time, though the body gives other signals of pregnancy.

Positive or negative answers to Online Pregnancy Test’s questions will determine if conception has occurred, even if you still have regular periods.

The test is composed by experienced gynaecologists on the basis of observations of many years and professional knowledge. But the merit of our questionnaire goes not only to competent compiling and high accuracy. It doesn’t have any tricks like paid text messages or other expenditures. The only thing you spend is a little time for candid answers about your general state, and then you’ll get a positive or negative result in seconds. You have to answer correctly and honestly because the precision of the final result depends directly on the correctness of the answers.

When you take Online Pregnancy Test, you need to know and understand what a menstrual cycle, a menstrual delay and ovulation (the most favourable time for conception) are. By the way, ovulation tests are sold almost at any pharmacy. And if you can’t get pregnant for some reason, these tests are for you.

We want to remind you that Online Pregnancy Test is only a way to find out if you are expecting a baby, but it doesn’t imply that you don’t have to visit your gynaecologist.

When you get your answer, you have to visit your doctor to confirm ANY test result.

It’s free! Our test is fully free for you. We don’t want to make money from the pregnancies of our site visitors. We guarantee you that you’ll get your result immediately after taking the test. You don’t have to send any paid text messages or codes.

It’s fast! The test’s duration is only a few minutes, you don’t have to leave your home to know the answer to the question that interests you the most – Are you pregnant?

It’s high quality! Online Pregnancy Test’s precision is 95% if you answer honestly. This is the method that gynaecologists use in early stages, when even ultrasound can’t “see” if there is any pregnancy.

It’s comfortable! You can sift through a lot of sites and forums, examine all the books at home concerning pregnancy, ask your friends, your mother, your grandmother in searching for an answer, but isn’t it easy just to take the test? Everything the most useful for you is compiled in this test, and finally you’ll get the answer with high chances of probability for your question.

It’s popular! Online pregnancy tests are trending among women thanks to individual approach, comfort, simplicity and accessibility for everyone, also for the veracity of results.

It’s easy! You don’t even have to leave your table – just click on your variant of the answer and get your result immediately!

It’s best to remember that any online test can’t substitute a visit to gynaecologist. A woman’s body is organized finely and in a complicated manner. And what you think are the pregnancy symptoms in reality can turn out to be symptoms of a serious disease.

Even the most popular and reliable symptom – a menstrual delay – can be a sign not of a pregnancy, but of a hormonal imbalance, of sharp immunity decrease or of chronic fatigue. And nausea and sleepiness can be symptoms of diseases of internal organs or of food poisoning.

Remember: the administration of this website and the authors of the test are not responsible for any results, whatever they may be.

Online Pregnancy Test can help you only to identify the probability of occurred conception at present time. You can have a detailed answer with guidelines from your gynaecologist based on the results of examination and medical tests.

Please see: Smoking during pregnancy

All the questions: 20
Concentrate and answer 20 questions about your general state in the last few days, about your menstrual cycle characteristics and ways of contraception as precisely as possible. The system will score your answers and give you the results of conception probability in your case.